© 2002 Royal Society of Medicine Press
Original research |
Nicky Britten,
Rona Campbell,
Catherine Pope,
Jenny Donovan,
Myfanwy Morgan,
Roisin Pill
Department of General Practice and Primary Care, King’s College, London;
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol;
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol;
Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol;
Department of Public Health Sciences, King’s College, London;
Department of General Practice, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK
Objectives: To demonstrate the benefits of applying meta ethnography to the synthesis of qualitative research, by means of a worked example.
Methods: Four papers about lay meanings of medicines were arbitrarilychosen. Noblit and Hare’s seven-step process for conductinga meta ethnography was employed: getting started; deciding whatis relevant to the initial interest; reading the studies; determininghow the studies are related; translating the studies into oneanother; synthesising translations; and expressing the synthesis.
Results: Six key concepts were identified: adherence/compliance;self-regulation; aversion; alternative coping strategies; sanctions;and selective disclosure. Four second-order interpretations(derived from the chosen papers) were identified, on the basisof which four third-order interpretations (based on the keyconcepts and second-order interpretations) were constructed.These were all linked together in a line of argument that accountsfor patients’ medicine-taking behaviour and communication withhealth professionals in different settings. Third-order interpretationswere developed which were not only consistent with the originalresults but also extended beyond them.
Conclusions: It is possible to use meta ethnography to synthesisethe results of qualitative research. The worked example hasproduced middle-range theories in the form of hypotheses thatcould be tested by other researchers.
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